payments hero

Manage everything from the pawaPay portal

Our comprehensive portal puts you in control of your mobile money.

Single source of truth

All information about your transactions and funds from a single place in a standardised format.


pawaPay follows the highest security standards and provides sophisticated access controls and auditability.

Trust, but verify

We believe in complete transparency. That's why we enable you to fully reconcile your accounts with financial statements. Moreover, financial statements are always ready to export.

Real time visibility

You have the most up-to-date information on your transactions, statuses, balances and reports with no delays.

Transact with your customers
the way they prefer

Pan-African visibility

All your mobile money transactions and balances are consolidated into a single place. You can easily find them using our global search.

View the breakdown of your transactions or examine standardised financial statements for each balance.

Single balance for each country

No need to worry about about different Mobile Network Operators or balancing disbursement and collection accounts to ensure smooth and reliable payout flows. Your collections are automatically used to fund your disbursements.

Sophisticated access controls

Our portal offers advanced access controls to ensure that users only have access to the information and features they require. Access can also be restricted to specific geographic locations, and all actions are recorded in audit logs.

Manage everything from
a single place

Full overview of your finances

Wallet breakdown
Standardised Financial statements
Live wallet balances

Secure and compliant

pawaPay is ISO 27001 compliant and has insurance against key business risks. We run regular penetration tests and comply with OWASP ASVS.

Getting started is easy

Create an account

By creating an account with us, you can access our onboarding portal, which will guide you through each step towards higher revenues with mobile money.


A single contract grants you access to all the markets and mobile network operators. Our team is always available to quickly unlock mobile money services across Africa for your business.


With your account you also have full access to our sandbox environment. Fully functional sandbox enables your developers to rapidly build the best payment experience for your customers.